Warm congratulations to Mengyang Pharmaceutical for winning a series of honors such as "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise" and "Hubei Provincial Enterprise Technology Center"


2022 will be a difficult and rewarding year for Mengyang Pharmaceutical. In the first half of the year, due to the impact of the epidemic, the company stopped production and worked hard. Despite overcoming numerous difficulties, coupled with years of continuous innovative development and industrial upgrading, the company has ushered in a transformation of achievements in the second half of the year. It has been recognized by government departments at all levels and has successively won a series of honors such as "2022 National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise", "2022 Hubei Province Enterprise Technology Center", and "Contract abiding and Creditworthy Enterprise"!

According to the requirements of the Notice of the Office of the China National Intellectual Property Administration on Carrying out the Demonstration Work of Building a Powerful Intellectual Property Country for Enterprises in 2022 (GZBHYZ [2022] No. 497), Mengyang Pharmaceutical was identified as a "national intellectual property advantage enterprise in 2022" through enterprise evaluation, recommendation, reporting, review and confirmation and other procedures.

In order to deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, improve the scientific and technological innovation and R&D system, according to the "Management Measures for Enterprise Technology Centers in Hubei Province", after approval, Mengyang Pharmaceutical has been recognized as the "2022 Hubei Province Enterprise Technology Center". This marks a new breakthrough in the construction of our company's innovation and R&D platform, which is an important manifestation of the company's innovation capacity building. Upgrading to a provincial enterprise technology center, effectively promoting technological innovation and progress, promoting the company's innovative development and industrial upgrading, is the cornerstone of the company's sustainable development.

According to the relevant provisions of the Hubei Province Contract Supervision Regulations, the Hubei Province Administrative Organs Collection and Disclosure of Enterprise Credit Information Trial Measures, and the Hubei Province Enterprise Contract Credit Status Announcement Interim Measures, the Hubei Province Market Supervision Bureau organized the 16th Hubei Province (2020-2021) "Contract Abiding and Creditworthy" Enterprise Announcement Activity. Mengyang Pharmaceutical has been recognized as a "contract abiding and trustworthy" enterprise through procedures such as independent application by the enterprise and review and recommendation by local market supervision departments.

In an era of intertwined changes over the past century and the pandemic of the century, economic globalization is facing a backlash. Mengyang Pharmaceutical is still making continuous breakthroughs and has been awarded a series of honors by governments at all levels. This is a high recognition of the company's innovative development, industrial upgrading, and market competitiveness, as well as the driving force and direction for the company's progress.

Mengyang Pharmaceutical will focus on the field of cancer treatment related diseases, focusing on national development strategies and the actual needs of the people, adhering to innovation driven and market leadership, focusing on the main business, intensive cultivation, and taking the "14th Five Year Plan" for the development of the pharmaceutical industry as the outline, based on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, constructing a new development pattern, combining its own advantages to find the right starting point, and growing and strengthening in the constantly changing domestic and international situation, Play a more important role in promoting the development of the pharmaceutical economy and striving to create a new situation in China's pharmaceutical economy!

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