Shengbai Oral Liquid Bone Marrow Inhibition Summit Forum • Zhengzhou Station Salon held


On October 21, 2022, in this deep autumn season with abundant autumn and falling leaves. The "Shengbai Oral Liquid Bone Marrow Inhibition Summit Forum • Zhengzhou Station" hosted by Hubei Mengyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was grandly held in the cloud.

The conference was chaired by Professor Chen Xiaobing from Henan Cancer Hospital, and chaired by Director Wu Yufeng from Henan Cancer Hospital. The conference invited Professor Wang Junsheng from Anyang Cancer Hospital; Professor Chen Gongbin from the First People's Hospital of Shangqiu City; Professor Wang Lili, Professor Xu Weifeng, Professor Chen Haiyang, Professor Wu Yingxi, Professor Nie Caiyun and many other teaching experts from Henan Cancer Hospital gathered on the cloud to engage in lively discussions on the common adverse reactions of malignant tumors - the pathogenesis of bone marrow suppression, typical effective cases, and other topics. The conference gathered numerous experts and professors in the field of malignant tumor diagnosis and treatment, and the discussion content was very exciting, with a strong academic atmosphere.

At the meeting, Professor Xu Weifeng from Henan Cancer Hospital gave a detailed explanation of the case collection project for Shengbai Oral Liquid. He explained the project's approval criteria, inclusion requirements, exclusion criteria, etc., and then listed an effective case to highlight the effectiveness of Shengbai Oral Liquid in clinical application.

Next, Professor Wu Yingxi from Henan Cancer Hospital gave a vivid explanation on the mechanism of action and research progress of Shengbai Oral Liquid, elaborating on the preparations for its clinical application from multiple aspects such as modern pharmacological research, pre market and post market. The attending experts highly praised and recognized the effectiveness and safety of the product. 

 In the case sharing and comment section, Professor Chen Haiyang and Professor Nie Caiyun from Henan Cancer Hospital first shared typical and effective cases of using Jushengbai Oral Liquid to prevent and treat bone marrow suppression caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Through sharing typical cases, it was summarized that in the process of preventing and treating bone marrow suppression caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, while raising white blood cells, Sheng Bai Oral Liquid, It can also effectively improve the symptoms of cancer-related fatigue caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Subsequently, Professor Wang Junsheng from Anyang Cancer Hospital and Professor Chen Gongbin from Shangqiu First People's Hospital commented on the typical cases shared by the two experts. They concluded that in the current environment of immunotargeted therapy, adverse reactions such as bone marrow suppression frequently occur, which poses a threat to the patient's life safety. Shengbai Oral Liquid is very suitable for clinical needs, as it does not cause adverse effects such as fever and pain caused by recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor while increasing white blood cells.

At the end of the meeting, Professor Chen Xiaobing, the chairman of the conference, summarized the situation. He stated that the focus of this meeting was on the reduction of white blood cells caused by radiation and chemotherapy treatment. The commonly used methods of increasing white blood cells in clinical practice often lead to adverse reactions such as fever and pain. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Shengbai Oral Liquid can not only alleviate the reduction of white blood cells caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but also effectively improve the symptoms of cancer-related fatigue, playing a unique role in the treatment of bone marrow suppression.

This conference was a complete success, with numerous experts and professors presenting us with an academic feast, highlighting the importance of traditional Chinese medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors. Mengyang Pharmaceutical will continue to make efforts to improve the standardization level of diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors in China, reduce the incidence of toxic side effects related to tumor treatment, improve the quality of life of patients, and ensure medical safety!

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