Academician Huang Luqi inspected Mengyang Pharmaceutical


On the afternoon of May 24, 2018, Mr. Huang Luqi, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, executive vice president of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and director of the Chinese Medicine Resources Center, visited the Hubei Mengyang Pharmaceutical Production Base to inspect and guide the work.



After Academician Huang inspected the production workshop, he listened carefully to the reports of Chairman Zhang Min, Executive Vice President Huang Yuelai and Vice President Zhang Yueli on the company's overall strategic planning, factory equipment production capacity and product quality assurance system in the company's conference room。


After listening to the report, Academician Huang spoke highly of Mengyang Pharmaceutical and suggested that Mengyang Pharmaceutical: continue to consolidate the foundation of product research and development; Carefully study the mechanism of action of white oral liquid and find the precise target of action; Pay attention to the importance of traditional Chinese medicine resources. Finally, Academician Huang sincerely wishes Mengyang Pharmaceutical to embrace its dreams and set sail in the sunshine!



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