Warm congratulations on the successful opening of the 2021 Academic Annual Meeting of the CSCO Expert Committee on Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine


On November 27, 2021, hosted by the CSCO Expert Committee on Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, the Tumor Professional Committee of the Jilin Provincial Society of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, the Jilin Provincial Anti-Cancer Association TCM Oncology Branch, and the Jilin Provincial TCM Tumor Quality Control Center, Jilin Provincial Cancer Hospital Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The 2021 Academic Annual Meeting of the CSCO Expert Committee on Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and the Fourth Summit Forum on the Treatment of Malignant Tumors by Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine hosted by the department were grandly held in Changchun, Jilin.

The theme of this conference is "Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine, Integrity and Innovation". The participants include experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from all walks of life such as Chinese and Western medicine clinical, pharmacy, etc., which embodies the new concept, new experience and new achievements of Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of malignant tumors. , and conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on hot issues in the field of tumor diseases. The conference adopts a combination of online and offline methods, bringing together famous experts in the field of oncology to discuss.

The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Zhang Yue from Jilin Provincial Cancer Hospital. The chairman of the conference, Professor Hua Haiqing from the Eastern Theater General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, and the vice chairman of CSCO, Professor Cheng Ying from Jilin Provincial Cancer Hospital, delivered speeches respectively. This conference gathers cutting-edge research fields in the oncology field and inspires innovative ideas, which is conducive to jointly improving the confidence in the treatment of malignant tumors with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and promoting the clinical practice of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.

In the academic exchange part of the conference, the chairman of the conference, Professor Hua Haiqing from the General Hospital of the Eastern Theater Command of the People’s Liberation Army, Professor Lin Lizhu from the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Dai Enyong from the China-Japan Friendship Hospital of Jilin University, Professor Zhang Hongliang from the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology Prof. Yuan Xianglin from Tongji Hospital, Prof. Jing Niancai from Jilin Provincial Cancer Hospital, and Prof. Guo Yong from Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine shared the latest research results in their respective fields, which benefited everyone a lot.

The "Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bone Marrow Suppression Caused by Antineoplastic Drugs Integrating Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine" initiated by the CSCO Expert Committee on Integrative Medicine lasted 9 months and was finally officially published in the "Journal of Clinical Oncology". Tumor Drug-Induced Myelosuppression Expert Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine" Press Conference. Professor Hua Haiqing from the PLA Eastern Theater General Hospital, Professor Zhang Yue from the Jilin Provincial Cancer Hospital, Professor Jing Niancai from the Jilin Provincial Cancer Hospital, Professor Xue Ji from the Second Hospital of Jilin University, Professor Shili from the Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and enterprises Mr. Zhao Youjun, the sales director of Mengyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., took the stage together to participate in the launching ceremony of the press conference. As the fastest-promoting new traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing the kidney, promoting marrow and actively promoting whitening in China, the "Shengbai Oral Liquid (mixture)" produced by Mengyang Pharmaceutical has been successfully included in the expert consensus due to its definite curative effect and sufficient evidence-based medical evidence. Mengyang Pharmaceutical believes that the official publication of this expert consensus will become a milestone of the times, benefiting patients and serving the society!

While celebrating the official publication of the "Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bone Marrow Suppression Caused by Antineoplastic Drugs" by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, the chairman of the conference, Professor Hua Haiqing from the General Hospital of the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army, and Professor Zhang Yue from the Jilin Provincial Cancer Hospital presented gifts to representatives of participating hospitals and enterprises The expert consensus booklet pushed the entire meeting to a climax, and also allowed the participating experts to witness an extraordinary moment together!

Then, Professor Yang Jili from Jilin Cancer Hospital shared the "Application of Shengbai Oral Liquid (Mixture) in Chemotherapy-induced Bone Marrow Suppression" at the conference. Shengbai Oral Liquid (mixture), as a drug for the treatment of leukopenia caused by cancer radiotherapy and chemotherapy, is safe and effective in clinical application, and can be evaluated by quantitative indicators (white blood cell count), and has attracted the attention and recognition of many experts. Mengyang Pharmaceutical has always taken "improving the quality of life of cancer patients" as its mission, continuously exploring and innovating, and constantly moving forward. In the future, we will continue to strive for perfection in the field of cancer treatment, keep improving, illuminate the road of cancer treatment, and bring health and well-being to patients in China and even the world!

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