"Shengbai Oral Liquid" was unveiled at the 11th China Biological Industry Conference


From May 25 to May 27, 2018, the 11th China Biological Industry Conference and the 3rd "China Optics Valley" International Life and Health Industry Expo, co-sponsored by the Chinese Society of Biological Engineering, Hubei Provincial People's Government and other units, with the theme of "Developing Bioeconomy and Helping Healthy China", were officially opened at the China Optics Valley Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center. As the largest, highest level and most influential event in the field of biological industry in China, it has attracted more than 300 leading pharmaceutical companies at home and abroad to bring the latest achievements to the show.

Hubei Mengyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s exclusive product "Shengbai Oral Liquid (Mixture)" was unveiled at the exhibition, and it was valued by many leaders. Mr. Chen Kaixian, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, visited the company's booth to understand and care about the development of the enterprise; Ms. Li Heng, Deputy Mayor of Jingmen City, came to the booth and had an in-depth discussion with Mr. Zhang Min, Chairman of the Company, Ms. Zhou Huiying, Assistant to the Chairman, and Ms. Lin Yuefang, Sales Director, on the efficacy of Shengbai Oral Liquid (Mixture) products and the future development plan of Mengyang Pharmaceutical.

The conference site gathered the world's top elite coffee, around the medical institution-led, "medical research enterprise" collaborative innovation model construction, successfully held 26 professional forums, nearly 50 seminars, driven about 20,000 square meters of professional exhibitions, attracting domestic and foreign biological research and development institutions, medical institutions, financial institutions, enterprises and institutions, talent entrepreneurship team and other more than 20,000 exhibitors to share with us the international cutting-edge development trend of the biological industry. A variety of grounded biotechnology R&D products were also showcased。Through such a display platform and the attention and support of many leaders, I believe that the development of Mengyang Pharmaceutical will be thriving.

Mr. Zhang Min (first from right), Chairman of Mengyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Academician Chen Kaixian (middle) and Vice Mayor Li Heng (first from left) took a group photo

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