Expert Consensus Tour of Shengbai Oral Liquid (Mixture) Successfully Held at Shanghai Station


On November 20, 2022, the "Expert Consensus Tour on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bone Marrow Inhibition Caused by Antitumor Drugs by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine", hosted by the CSCO Expert Committee and hosted by Hubei Mengyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., was held in Shanghai in a combination of online and offline formats, attracting nearly 4000 viewers online.

     The conference was chaired by Professor Hua Haiqing from the General Hospital of the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army and Professor Meng Zhiqiang from the Cancer Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai. Professor Wang Lixin from Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Professor Xue Honghao from Shanghai Longhua Hospital, Vice Dean Zhang Yue from Jilin Cancer Hospital, Professor Sun Qiang and Liu Chi from Jing'an Branch of Huashan Hospital, Director Wang Jun from Shanghai Huashan Hospital, Professor Sun Tao from Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Director Sun Xun from Shanghai Longhua Hospital, and Director Yao Hui from Shanghai International Medical Center, among many other teaching experts and discussion guests, have focused on the theme of "combining Chinese and Western medicine, upholding integrity and innovation", Reporting and discussing the progress of diagnosis and treatment of related diseases, the meeting received enthusiastic feedback and received praise from multiple parties.

This meeting is chaired by Professor Meng Zhiqiang, the President of the conference and the Cancer Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai. At the meeting, Professor Hua Haiqing, the chairman of the conference and the General Hospital of the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army, gave a brilliant speech. He mentioned that the expert consensus tour can better promote new technologies for the treatment of tumors by combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, promote the concept of "combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, upholding integrity and innovation", and hope that through everyone's joint efforts, they can make greater contributions to the cause of tumor rehabilitation.

 Subsequently, Dr. Zhang Min, Chairman of Mengyang Pharmaceutical, delivered a speech at the meeting, introducing the company's positioning and product layout, and wishing the meeting a complete success. At present, Mengyang Pharmaceutical has laid out three major products in the field of "tumor treatment-related diseases": Shengbai oral liquid (mixture), Zhuling polysaccharide capsules, and asparagus capsules. It will further expand its product line, deeply focus on solving tumor treatment-related diseases, improving the quality of life of tumor patients, prolonging survival, and improving prognosis.

Taking advantage of the expert consensus tour, a book presentation ceremony was held for the expert consensus on the integrated diagnosis and treatment of bone marrow suppression caused by anti-tumor drugs using traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Professor Meng Zhiqiang, the chairman of the conference, and Dr. Zhang Min from Mengyang Pharmaceutical, presented expert consensus screenshots to representatives from various hospitals present at the meeting.

The consensus of experts on the diagnosis and treatment of bone marrow suppression caused by anti-tumor drugs through integrated Chinese and Western medicine has gathered the efforts of many experts in the CSCO Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Expert Committee. It took 11 months, 6 online and offline meetings, more than 10 group discussions, and 29 experts participated in the final draft. It was officially published in the dual core journal Clinical Oncology in November 2021. On November 27, 2021, a press conference was held in Changchun, Jilin Province. On April 23, 2022, an expert consensus tour was held at Wuhan Station. The tour at Shanghai Station was interpreted by Professor Wang Lixin from the Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine at Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. This article elaborates on four aspects: the drugs and risk factors that cause bone marrow suppression, the pathogenesis and traditional Chinese medicine pathogenesis of bone marrow suppression, the diagnostic and grading standards of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for bone marrow suppression, and the principles and plans of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment for bone marrow suppression. In the process of consensus interpretation, based on the ranking of evidence-based medicine evidence, Professor Wang emphasized the advantages of using Shengbai oral liquid (mixture) widely in bone marrow suppression treatment.

 Subsequently, Professor Wang Jun from Shanghai Huashan Hospital gave a detailed introduction to the clinical research progress of Shengbai Oral Liquid (mixture). Professor Wang gave a vivid and specific explanation of the mechanism of action of Shengbai oral liquid (mixture) based on modern pharmacological research results. Through reporting on the results of preclinical research and post market re evaluation of RCT research, the attending experts deeply understood the effectiveness and safety of the product.

 Professor Sun Tao from Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as the project PI, conducted a phase report on the RWS project of Shengbai Oral Liquid. Through mid-term evaluation, we found that synchronous chemotherapy with Shengbai Oral Liquid can not only effectively prevent leukopenia and neutropenia after chemotherapy, but also effectively prevent hemoglobin and platelet reduction, reduce the incidence of bone marrow suppression, and alleviate the degree of bone marrow suppression.

During the case sharing session, Professor Sun Xun from Longhua Hospital in Shanghai and Professor Lai Youying from Shuguang Hospital in Shanghai each shared a typical effective case of Shengbai Oral Liquid (mixture) in preventing and treating chemotherapy induced bone marrow suppression. They summarized that Shengbai Oral Liquid (mixture) has a clear therapeutic effect on preventing and treating bone marrow suppression in tumor patients after chemotherapy, is safe to use, can be evaluated using quantitative indicators (white blood cell count), and early intervention is recommended, Fully use throughout the entire process, bringing benefits to patients.

The conference has a special session on "Chinese and Western Confucianism, Academic Discussion". The first half of the discussion was chaired by Professor Liu Chi from the Jing'an Branch of Huashan Hospital, and the second half was chaired by Vice Dean Tong Xu from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Qiqihar Medical College. Discussion guests: Director Yao Hui of Shanghai International Medical Center, Director Liu Hongjie of Shanghai Shuguang Hospital, Director Xu Yangxian of Shanghai Longhua Hospital, Director Guo Zhiqiang of Putuo District Central Hospital, Director Gu Jun of Yangpu District Central Hospital, Director Huang Zhongdi of Shanghai Shuguang Hospital, Director Zhu Fengming and Director Wang Jiaman of Shanghai Pudong Hospital, and Director Lan Jianzi of Shanghai Oriental Hospital jointly discussed new ideas and methods for the prevention and treatment of bone marrow suppression by combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, shared numerous clinical diagnosis and treatment experiences, and put forward expectations and prospects for the treatment of malignant tumor related diseases by combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

     At this point, the Shanghai Station of the Expert Consensus Tour on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bone Marrow Inhibition Caused by Antitumor Drugs through the Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine has come to a successful conclusion. This lecture tour gathered numerous experts in the fields of traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, and integrated Chinese and Western medicine, creating a professional platform for academic exchange and disciplinary discussions for medical colleagues. Continuing the past and opening up the future, Mengyang Pharmaceutical will continue to strongly support the academic promotion work of the CSCO Expert Committee on Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, committed to building a professional academic exchange platform, and contribute to further improving the standardization level of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment for malignant tumors in China, reducing the incidence of cancer-related treatment toxicity and side reactions, improving the quality of life of patients, and ensuring medical safety.

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